Aside from Blessed Buenaventura, who leads the Dominican martyrs in Spain, it is my honor to present the other 19 members of the Dominican martyrs who were members of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary.
Born in Zumel (Burgos) on January 16, 1901. He entered the Apostolic School of La Mejorada (Valladolid)in 1913; he professed in Ávila on September 9, 1918; after his solemn profession in January 18, 1922, he was sent to the Convent of Rosaryville, New Orleans (Lousiana, USA), where he completed his theological studies at the «Dominican House of Studies», in Washington (1922-1924), at the same time he also attended some post graduate courses in Pedagogy at the Catholic University of America (1924-1926); On June 13, 1926 he was ordained by the Archbishop of New Orleans. He arrived in the Philippines in 1926 and taught at the Letran College of Manila, he was a great professor, he treated everyone well but returned sick with tuberculosis to Spain in 1933 and was assigned to the Convent of Santo Tomás de Ávila; but without any sign of recuperation, he was sent to the Sanatorium of Guadarrama (Madrid) on March 10, 1934. Weak and sickly, he was transferred to the Residence in Nambroca (Toledo) on February 27, 1936; he accepted his infirmity with a great spirit of resignation, meekness and sweetness, although he was not able to move about, he never miss the change to celebrate the mass.
Like Blessed José Luis Palacio, they were both martyred beside the Train station of Algodor, just beside the Tagus riverside, in a property called «Malecón de Cañete», with outstretched hands and blessing in the name of the Lord, the King of the Universe. He was martyred on the feast of Saint James the Apostle, July 25, 1936.
Born on September 12, 1880 in Egea de los Caballeros (Zaragoza, Spain). He studied in Logroño until he entered the Novitiate in Ocaña, where he made his profession on October 23, 1898, ordained to the priesthood in Avila on July 15, 1906. Almost throughout his life he was assigned to administer the temporal goods of his community. He was assigned to Hongkong, to the Provincial Procuration House (1907-1913). Due to his health, he returned to Spain and after recovering, he was sent to La Mejorada (Valladolid), where for 15 years, (1914 to 1929), took charge of the various responsibilities as the College oeconome, professor and organist. His students remembered him as friendly and prudent, an execellent educator and he was upright to all. In 1929, he was assigned to the House of la Pasión, in Madrid, as House superior and the Procurator for the Vicariate of Spain, an office which he took charge till 1936.
He was in the Convent of the Rosary of Madrid when it was attacked. He found hospitality in a friendly home and from there he financially helped various friars who were living in clandestinity. When alerted by a new wave of registrations, he sought new refuge and hiding places. He was observed to have a serenity proper of saints always calm and disposed to console and speak of God. He was always in continuous prayer with his breviary and rosary. Detained on September 16, 1936 in the pension San Jerónimo, he surrendered himself as a religious, and resigned to the divine will. He are incarcerated in the Model Jail where he was detained for two months always with reposed and serene spirit. He was imprisoned in the company of other Dominican friars Blesseds Alfredo Fanjul, Isabelino Carmona and José Gafo. He often recited the rosary when mingling with the other co-prisoners in the patio as though speaking with someone. On November 16, he was transferred to the San Antón Jail. He was executed in the massive «sack» of November 30 in Paracuellos del Jarama (Madrid), with Blessed Vicente Peña.
BLESSED CIPRIANO ALGUACIL TORREDENAIDA (cooperator brother) (1884-1936)
Born in Ajofrín (Toledo, Spain) on October 12, 1884. In his youth he helped his parents in the farm work. He made his profession as a cooperator brother on January 6, 1909 in Avila. He was assigned in the convents of Avila (1910-1912), Ocaña (1912-1925), and once again in Avila (1926-1932) and Madrid, where he was living since 1932 to 1936. He was sacristan, cook, porter and other humble offices of the community. He is remembered to be a very good religious, devout, hardworking and very clean and tidy in his occupations.
The assault of the convent in Madrid on July 19, he hid in the house of a sister who was living in the capital where he stayed for three months. There he gave an example of a religious life and prayer. At times he would attend mass in a private home when they were advised of such celebrations clandestinely. He had a presentiment, and this he had shared with his family that the feast of St. Teresa will be for him a great dat for he was waiting for an event. And this effectively occurred. On October 15, he was detained by his executioners with a rosary in his hand and declared that he was a Dominican religious and he serenely surrendered himself to them. His cadaver was found in Barajas (Madrid).
Born on January 5, 1889 in Avila, Spain. His mother was a Dominican tertiary, an orphan at the death of his father at age 3, his mother forced by indigence had to look for a job and a housemaid in the house of Fr. Antonio Mata, Chaplain of the Carmelite Nuns of Saint Joseph , and thus brought him to the Provincial Residence in Avila. At age 11 he returned with his mother. After a period in Ocaña, he made his profession as a Cooperator Brother in Avila on December 27, 1914; he faithfully worked in the various offices assigned to him in the College of La Mejorada (1917-1923), Ocaña (1924), Ávila (1925-1930), the House of the Pasion (1932-1933), and the Convent of the Rosary (1935-1936) both located in Madrid. He was good natured, hardworking , of a joyful disposition, very recollected and humble.
He perfectly realized the hostile ambience towards religion which reigned in Madird at the beginning of 1936, He foresaw martyrdom and in fact he desired it anxiously. On June 6, he was assigned to Ocaña, where on July 22, became a victim of the assault of the convent. With the aged Blesseds Maximino Fernández, Manuel Moreno and Víctor García Ceballos, he left for Madrid in order to find a place for the other members of the community of Ocaña. At the train station they were given permission of safe conduct which were in reality marked for death. They were detained in the «correo de Cuenca». Upon reaching the Madrid – Atocha station, the place was already deserted and there and there they were sacrificed as they shouted: «Long Live Christ the King! Long live the Catholic Church! » . It was August 5, 1936.
A native of Rincón de Soto, Logroño, Spain, he was born on 17 June, 1862. He made his simple profession on 24 September, 1878 in Ocaña; and his Solemn profession on 30 September, 1881 in Avila. As a deacon, he was assigned to Manila in 1884 where he completed his studies and was ordained to the priesthood in July of 1885. Assigned to the missions in Fujian (China) , he preached the Gospel with great zeal for 26 years where he wrote reports with great religious and historical interest about China. He was the Vicar Provincial of the Mission in Fu An (from 1902 to 1906). He later worked in the Philippines for 6 years, in the Santo Domingo Convent of Manila (1911-1913) and in Pampanga (1913-1917).
Upon his return to Spain in 1917 he was successively assigned to various convents: Ávila (1917-1921), La Mejorada (1921-1931), as confessor for the aspirants and the Dominican Nuns of Olmedo (Valladolid), whose fame as a saint is remembered by them. He later transferred to Santa María de Nieva (Segovia) (1931-1934), and from 1934 is the Superior of the House in Barcelona-San Gervasio, till 1935, when he was elected Prior of Ocaña. He held an extraordinary attraction for his sweetness and the amplitude of his criteria, without losing anything of his serenity and rigor. He also worked for the growth of the Third Order in Ocaña.
Although plans were on their way to bring the elderly friars for safe passage to Portugal, the community was caught unaware with the assault on the convent with 32 friars inside. He therefore dispersed the friars to wherever would be most safe and convenient and provided money for their needs. The assaulters ransacked the Convent, profaned the Church burned images and the archives. With Blessed Maximino Fernández and Blessed Eduardo González, he sought refuge in a private house from where he took care of his subordinates till August 5. They therefore decided to seek a place for all the friars. At the train station they were courteously given permission of safe conduct which were in reality marked for death. They were detained in the «correo de Cuenca». Upon reaching the Madrid – Atocha station, the place was already deserted and there and there they were sacrificed as they shouted: «Long Live Christ the King! Long live the Catholic Church! » . It was August 5, 1936. Blesseds Manuel Moreno, Víctor García Ceballos and Eduardo González were killed on the spot while Blessed Maximino Fernández was fatally wounded only to die at a hospital later.
Born in Ollogoyen, not far from Estella (Navarra, Spain) in 11 January, 1895. As he grew older, he dedicated himself to family chores and worked as wool shearer and weaver, and at the same time the work in the farm. He began his novitiate as a Cooperator Brother in Ávila on 2 February, 1921, but had to interrupt it to complete his military service. For three years he served the Community of La Mejorada (Valladolid), and returned to Avila to make the solemn profession on 16 February, 1924.
He was assigned to Ocaña for the property of Nambroca (Toledo), as assistant to the Administrator brother. And since 1932, he became the Administrator. He was a frequent almsgiver and friendly to all, dedicated to prayer and not in one moment did he forgot that he was a religious. He enjoyed speaking about the lives of the saints. On 24 July, 1936 he was detained together with the rest of the members of the community and were kept at the Town hall till the night. Their captors feigned trying to protect them, tried to send them out of the town but called the neigboring train stations to detain them in their way to Madrid. The following day, they were obliged to take the train going to Algodor (Madrid) and beside this station, they were martyred on the same day, 25 July.
A native of Alar del Rey (Palencia, Spain), he was born on 28 December, 1875. He studied at the Apostolic School of Ocaña, made his profession on January 5, 1892. As a deacon he reached Vietnam in August of 1899 where he was ordained to the priesthood. But after six months, he was transferred to the Philippines. He was at Santo Domingo Convent of Manila (1901-1903) and later at the College of San Jacinto de Tuguegarao (Northern Luzon) (1903-1910); where he did pastoral work and teaching.
He returned to Spain in 1911 and took up various offices of responsibility in the College of Santa María de Nieva (Segovia) (1910-1917) and in Ocaña as director (1917-1922); afterwards as the Rector of the Santa María de Nieva, where he dedicated himself with enthusiasm in the formation of the young. From 1925 he lived at the Convent of the Rosary in Madrid. He had a vibrant and strong character, but always friendly . A good and hardworking religious, very assiduous in the hearing confessions and in the spiritual direction.
He was the prior of the community of Madrid when the convent was assaulted on 19 July, 1936, and during the escape, a strong blow left him seriously hurt; when he knew of the would suffered by Blessed José Santonja, he presented himself at the clinic and tried to help him. He arranged that the wounded priest be transferred to a Sanatorium and stayed three days with him. In secret he also helped the other religious. In the face of violence and death, Blessed Innocencio was serene, conformed to the will of God and ready to offer his life in martyrdom. On 13 August, he was detained and brought to the checa of «Bellas Artes», in whose basement he was executed on the same day or in the next.
BLESSED JUAN CRESPO CALLEJA ( Cooperator Brother) (1895-1936)
Born in 27 December, 1895 in Villada (Palencia, Spain). He began his studies in the local school and supported the family with his work. He was confirmed on 29 April, 1907. In 1916 he was accepted in Avila as aspirant for the Cooperator Brotherhood, he had to leave the Convent for two years to help his family. A true apostle among the youth of his age, he made his procession as Cooperator Brother on January 6, 1919. He was assigned in Avila till 1922. He later became the oeconome in Santa María de Nieva (Segovia) (1922-1929) and from there to La Mejorada (Valladolid) (1929-1932). In 1932 he was assigned to Ocaña for the farmland of Romaila, as its administrator (1932-1936), He was a catechist among the laborers whom he would invite to the House of Nambroca (Toledo) in order to comply their Sunday obligations.
March 10, the farmland which had been expropriated by the Provincial Authorities of Toledo came to register the property and in May, armed troops came to take away the property and brought Brother Juan before the governor. He was expelled from the house where he lived within the farm and transferred to the community of Nambroca. He was arrested with the rest of the friars of Nambroca and was found dead with them near the Train Station of Algodor (Madrid), 25 July, 1936.
BLESSED JUAN HERRERO ARROYO (Cooperator Brother)(1859-1936)
Born in Barriosuso de Valdavia (Palencia, Spain) on 24 May, 1859. He is eldest member of the beatified martyrs of Order in Spain. Since his childhood, he worked as a shepherd and oversaw properties. He made his profession in Ávila as a Cooperator Brother on 9 November, 1881. He lived in total dedication to be faithful to his profession in the different convents and houses. He was admired for his simplicity and humility, he was knowledgeable of such humble chores like tailoring, cooking and other occupations. From Avila he was assigned to Ocaña in 1900, and from there he was transferred to the House of San Gervasio of Barcelona. In 1909, the infamous Semana Trágica (Tragic Week) took place and he had to seek refuge somewhere. He later became part of the foundational community of the Apostolic School of La Mejorada (Valladolid), where he was assigned from 1912 to 1917. He returned to Ocaña (1918-1925), and once again to Barcelona (1925-1929), and back to Ocaña (1929-1931); After serving the community of Santa María de Nieva (Segovia) for 5 years, he was assigned to the Procuration House of la Pasión, Madrid. A lover of solitude, he was always peaceful, smiling, good, humble of heart and very frugal.
When the Procuration House was occupied by the militia groups, he was kept under strict vigilance and threatened by the one who sold food to him. He was forced to earn a living by washing the laundry of the neighbors and at the end, with the innocence and the simplicity that was so characteristic of himself, he sought help at the General Headquarters of Security. He was jailed in San Antón on October 29, 1936. He was martyred in Paracuellos del Jarama (Madrid) on 28 November, together with Blessed José Prieto OP and other religious.
Born in May 20, 1870 in Tiñana, Siero (Asturias, Spain). He studied philosophy and part of Theology in the Seminary of Oviedo. He made is profession in Ocaña on January 1, 1895, and was ordained on December 22, 1899. The newly ordained Dominican presented himself to the Servant of God, Msgr. Ramón Zubieta, O.P. to join him to found the mission of Urubamba and Madre de Dios in the Peruvian Amazon. For 12 years, he gave himself to the missionary work in the Amazon jungle. He is of gentle character, peaceful, humble and pious. With his failing health, he incorporated himself to the Province of Saint John Baptist of Peru and in May of 1910 he was elected as Prior of the Convent of St. Dominic in Arequipa, but continued to do sporadic visits to his beloved Indians of Urubamba. As his poor state of health persisted, he returned to Spain in 1921. He was assigned to the Convent of the Rosario of Madrid where he dedicated himself to ministry till 1932 where he was assigned to Ocaña. By 1935 he was given the chaplaincy of the House Residence of Nambroca (Toledo), where the workers consider him as a saint.
Detained by the local militias, he and the three other friars assigned to the Farmhouse and brought to the town of Nambroca. Their captors feigning that they are to take the train to Madrid gunned the religious near the train station of Algodor (Madrid), on July 25, 1936, and they were buried near the riverside of Tagus river.
Born in Olot (Gerona, Spain) on 1 April, 1879. He entered the College of Ocaña and professed on 4 October, 1895. He was ordained on 26 July, 1903 in Avila. He enjoyed special talents to cultivate the arts, music painting and literature and was a good, capable and loving teacher. He taught at Santa María de Nieva (Segovia), and at the La Mejorada, in Olmedo (Valladolid) and was later assigned to Ocaña. In 1928 he was assigned to the Procuration House of “la Pasión” of Madrid as Assistant Oeconome. From 1935 he formed part of the community of the Convent of the Rosary. He was very religious, hardworking and caring. He was well loved by all who sought him.
He suffered a bullet shot during the assault of the Convent of 19 July, 1936 and was cared for among others, by Blessed Leoncio Arce; Though he was all bloodied when he was taken to the street for detention, the militia permitted that he treated in a dispensary where the Prior, Blessed Inocencio García visited him and arranged that he be brought to the Sanatorium “el Rosario”; He was prepared for martyrdom. They took him from the sanatorium to be executed in the Pradera de San Isidro, Madrid, on August 15, 1936.
Born in Villarreal de Álava (Álava, Spain) on 12 January, 1899. He entered the Apostolic School of La Mejorada (Valladolid) when he was 12 years old. He was always ready to help others, a readiness of the soul which he manifested throughout his life even in the moment of his martyrdom. He made his profession on 8 September, 1917 in Santo Tomás of Avila, studied Theology at Rosaryville, (USA) and was ordained in New Orleans, on 10 June, 1924.
He taught did pastoral ministry and economic administration with great dedication and zeal in the Convents of La Mejorada (Valladolid), from 1924 to 1928. In Avila, he worked as administrator of the Monthly Review «Misiones Dominicanas» (1928-1931). For the next six years(1931-1936) he resided at the Convent of the Rosary, in Madrid, dedicated to the divine worship and the apostolate among the people who frequent the Church.
During the assault of the Convent of the Rosary of Madrid, 19 July, 1936, he was arrested while attending to the wound of Blessed José Santonja Pinsach who without his help might have died due to loss of blood. . He was brought to the Commissary where he was despoiled pf all religious objects he was carrying and underwent questioning. Though he was set free, he was recommended to live in hiding. He lived for a month in a house and dedicated his time to prayer and penance. His hosts exclaimed that “it was a consolation to have him at home”. Hunted by the revolutionary militias and arrested once again, he was detained in the Jail of Porlier. He was martyred on 10 September, 1936.
Born in Castañedo Valdés, Luarca (Asturias, Spain) on 2 November, 1867. He made his profession in Ocaña on 9 September, 1885, and solemn profession in Avila in 9 September, 1888. He was sent to the Philippines in 1892, where he was ordained to the priesthood in Manila in 1893. He ministered in Cagayán, in Northern Luzon, for 6 years and in 1898 during the War of Philippine Independence he fell into the hands of the insurgents and suffered great privations till in 1899, he was released and returned to Manila. In May of 1902 he set sail for Spain, very sick and was assigned to Ocaña, two years later, to the College of Santa María de Nieva (Segovia); in 1914 he was appointed as Vicar Provincial in Spain and much later as the Visitator of the Houses of the Vicariate. He left for Italy in 1919 and exercised the ministry of the confessinary in the Marian Sanctuaries of a Pompei and Madonna dell’ Arco. He was the oeconome and sacristan in the Convent of the Santisima Trinitá of Rome (1919-1920).
In September of 1920 he returned to Spain and resided in Ocaña till 1936. His long absences were due to the ministries entrusted to him: Chaplain, and Vicar of the Dominican Nuns of Santa Santa Inés of Zaragoza (1927-1931); Director of Spiritual retreats for the Dominican convents of Olmedo (Valladolid) and Ajofrín (Toledo). In May of 1936 he returned to Ocaña to protect the old Fathers who were living there. He was remembered to be very good and zealous. When the Convent was assaulted in July 22, he shared the same luck as those mentioned beforehand. On 5 August as his companions were killed as they arrived in the train station of Atocha, was mortally wounded with 11 bullets in his body. He was brought to the Provincial Hospital in a semi-conscious state, near the station. He died 10 days after on August 15, after an atrocious suffering n the midst of great abandonment and jeers, but with laurels of physical and mortal martyrdom. Thus wrote one La Salle Brother who was an ocular witness to his passion.
BLESSED TEÓFILO MONTES CALVO (Cooperator Brother) (1912-1936)
Born in Gumiel de Mercado, on the Ribera del Duero (Burgos, Spain) on 2 October, 1912. He was a timid child, intelligent and very obedient. When he was reading the life of St. Dominic he had an irresistible inclination towards the Dominican religious life. He entered the Apostolic School of La Mejorada (Valladolid) in 1925; began his Novitiate as a clerical novice in Santo Tomás of Avila in 1929, but an infirmity obliged him to return to his family. Once his health was recovered, he began to work in a farm (La Ventosilla), but realized his life was meant for the Convent. He professed as a Cooperator Brother on 23 December, 1933; and was assigned in the Convents of Avila and Madrid as porter.
After the assault of the Convent of the Rosary he found safe haven with a family. He was arrested on 13 September, 1936 and together with Blessed Manuel Álvarez and three other Marianists and were all brought to the checa of San Bernardo. He was martyred on 14 September in the highway of El Pardo, Madrid.
Born in Carrión de los Condes (Palencia, Spain) on 24 June, 1880. He studied with the Jesuit Fathers in the College of San Zoilo and made his profession in Ocaña, 23 October, 1898. He was ordained to the priesthood on July 15, 1906. He became a professor of the Apostolic Schools of Ocaña and Santa María de Nieva.
Sick with nervous ailment,he was sent to the Farm House of Nambroca (Toledo) to recuperate; but as the infirmity became persistent and since he was so interested with painting and music, he was sent to Rome with the hope that the change of surrounding would do him good. In September of 1920, he became the Oeconome and sacristan of the Convent of the Santísima Trinidad (Via dei Condotti). His health did not improve and the Master of the Order permitted him to live with his sister in Carrión de los Condes. During his stay with his family, he was made Chaplain of the Daughters of Charity and distracted himself by painting.
He returned to Ocaña (1925-1929); and afterwards in the Procuration House of “la Pasión” in Madrid (1930-1931), and once again in Santa María de Nieva (1932-1933) and finally to Ocaña (1934-1936), where he lived when the convent was attacked on 22 July. With the same circumstances as Blessed Manuel Moreno and companions, he was detained and martyred in the Atocha Station of Madrid on 5 August, 1936.
He was born in San Miguel de Dueñas (León, Spain) on 4 October, 1877. Due to the constant transfer of his father who was a Military Captain, he studied at the Jesuit College in Salamanca and later at the Diocesan Seminary of Madrid. He entered Ocaña and made his profession on 4 June, 1895. He was ordained in Avila on 26 June, 1903. His priestly life was marked by the constant movement and activity as professor and as superior. He taught at Letran College of Manila (1905-1910); and was assigned in the Convent of Valencia, that is prior to its cecession to the restored province of Aragon. He returned to the Philippines in 1916 and taught Theology and was Dean at the University of Santo Tomás of Manila, Rector of the aforementioned Letran College (1924-1927); before he was the Prior of the Community of Rosaryville in New Orleans (USA) (1921-1924); en 1934 prior de Santo Tomás de Ávila; He was a member of the community of Madrid when it was assaulted. A great preacher, some written sermons and a small treatise on the Blessed Virgin Mary are extant.
He sought refuge among his closest relatives where he prayed much and consoled the family as poured upon them confidence in God. At the moment of his detention which was about the midnight of 15 October, 1936, he confessed that he was a religious and was ready to die for Christ. He was brought to the checa of Fomento in Madrid and was executed the following day, 16 October.
He was born on 16 March, 1871, in Llanuces, a village of Quirós, (Asturias, Spain) and was baptized on the same day. He entered the Apostolic School of Ocaña, professed on 22 July, 1891, and ordained in Avila on 23 September, 1899. He was assigned in Venezuela in 1903, where he worked in Caracas for 7 years with the Dominican friars of the Betica province. He zealous dedicated himself to preaching and the t propagation of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus where he was the superior of the said community. But due to his delicate health, he returned to Spain in 1910 and lived in the convents of Avila, Santa María de Nieva (Segovia) and Madrid; in the convent of the Rosary where he worked for 18 years, he dedicated himself to the apostolate and divine worship till the convent was attacked on 19 July, 1936 and sought refuge in a charitable home.
He was arrested on 13 September, 1936. His persecutors would like to make him blaspheme which they were not able to do. He was brought to the checa de San Bernardo and was martyred the following day 14 September, in the highway of El Pardo, Madrid, together with Blessed Teófilo Montes and three Marianist religious.
Born in Alcalá la Real (Jaén, Spain) on 14 February, 1892. In 1907 he joined the Apostolic School of Ocaña (Toledo); professed in 5 November, 1911 in Santo Tomás of Avila, and continued his studies in Philosophy and Theology. As a young student brother he was already know for his extraordinary holiness. From Avila, he proceeded to the Convent of Rosaryville, in the United States, where he made his solemn professionand from there was assigned to Manila where he finished his studies and was ordained a priest on 15 January, 1919. Destined to the missions of Fujian (China) he manifested a great apostolic zeal for many years (1919-1935), in Haishan and Pingtan. He built the Church of Haishan and took in many infant girls that were abandoned and took then into the Sancta Infanctia. A grave infirmity obliged him to return to Spain in 1935 to be operated and recover. He was then assigned to the Convent of Ocaña.
In passing through Madrid on July of 1936 he was caught unaware at the assault of the Convent of the Rosary. Together with Blessed Pedro Ibáñez, they sought refuge but were arrested and martyred in similar circumstances in Chinatown of Madrid, on 27 August, 1936. As he was answering some inquiry in the Police Commissary of “Centro”, he answered that he was missionary of China, words that provoked an irreverent warning by a militiamen that through him in jail.
Born in Castillejo del Romeral (Cuenca, Spain) on 14 December, 1891. When his father died, his mother remarried and he and his brothers were obliged by his stepfather to work hard, for this he was not able to receive formal schooling. When he reached adulthood, he decided to embrace religious life, not in order to free himself from work but because since his childhood he had wanted to become a priest. But since he did not have the possibility to study, he professed as a Cooperator Brother in Avila on February 2, 1921. His religious life was lived with great dedication and service to the communities where he was assigned: Avila (1921-1924), Santa María de Nieva (1924-1931) and Ocaña (1932-1936). The services rendered were varied, from cook, sacristan porter in Ocaña, to assistant to the Oeconome. He was very interested in mechanics and would tinker of gadgets including radios.
He was not present when the convent was assaulted since he had asked for to visit his blind mother in his hometown a few days before. He received communion for the last time on the Feast of Saint James the Apostle ( July 25) for the following day, the Church was foreclosed. The train militias of Madrid and Aranjuez profaned the Church. And detentions began on 25 August. He did not wish to hide, “because God is everywhere and God cannot hide anyone”, and thus he waited beside his mother. He was brutally beaten and was carried away without even saying farewell to his mother. He was brought to the town hall where his step-father kept guard. He was maltreated and jeered and there were telltale signs of torture. He prayed and received the sacrament of penance together with the rest of the detainees, with the hope that if they would kill him, he would be counted among the blessed. They were brought to Madrid on 29 August and jailed in the Madrid South Station where he was brutally treated. But he prepared himself calmly for martyrdom. On the night of the 29 or the 30th of August, 1936 he was executed with two priests in the “Praderas de San Isidro” as they embraced one another singing hymns and praying.
Born in Fuentes de Nava (Palencia, Spain) on 27 April of 1892, he was baptized on the 30th. He made his profession in Ocaña on 25 September, 1909; He studied Theology in Ávila and Rosaryville, New Orleans (USA), and ended it in Manila, where he was ordained on 1 April, 1917. He was missionary in China for 5 years in the Prefectures of Hing-Hoa and Kamna, but since he was greatly affected with scruples, he was sent back to the Philippines in 1922. For 18 years he had worked in the different ministries of the Province: Santo Domingo Convent of Manila (1922-1924), teaching in the College Seminary of San Jacinto, in Tuguegarao (Northern Luzon), till 1934. He returned to Spain in the same year to dedicate himself in teaching at the College of Santa María de Nieva (Segovia). He was very zealous and fervent. As a missionary, his excessive zeal made him fall into scruples for wanting to attend to the ministries in almost superhuman conditions. A very devout man, humble, a model for religious. He always stood beside what is true and just.
He accidentally found himself in Madrid when the persecutions of July, 1936 broke out. After the attack of the Convent of the Rosary he looked for refuge in various places until he was discovered in the Pension «Torío», where he had been hiding together with Blessed José Maria López Carrillo from 20 or the 22 of July. There were also 5 Augustinians and 2 Piarists hiding in the same pension. All lived exemplary lives and were arrested on August 26. Blessed Pedro Ibáñez was heard to confess that he was a Catholic, Apostolic, Roman and a Dominican till death. With Blessed Jose Maria López Carrillo they were detained at the checa “Fomento”; the following day, August 27, they were executed by firing squad in the Chinatown of Madrid, in Vallecas.