Kyrie, eleison.
Christe, eleison
Kyrie, eleison.
Holy Mary,
Holy Mother of God,
Queen of the Rosary
Holy Angels of God
Saint John the Baptist
Saint Joseph
All you holy Apostles and Evangelists,
Saint Stephen
Saint Lawrence
Saint Mary Magdalene
All you holy witnesses and martyrs
Saint Cecilia
Saint Catherine of Alexandria
All you holy women and virgins,
Saint Augustine
Saint Dominic of Silos,
Saint Francis
Holy Father Dominic
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Saint Albert the Great
Saint Raymond Penyafort
All you holy masters and teachers,
Saint Peter of Verona,
Saint John of Cologne,
All you martyrs of the Far East,
All you martyrs of Spain,
All you men and women martyrs,
Saint Pius V,
Saint Antoninus of Florence,
All you holy Shepherds,
Saint Vincent Ferrer
Saint Hyacinth of Poland,
Saint Luis Bertran
Saint Francis Coll
All you preachers and missionaries,
Saint Martin de Porres
Saint Juan Macias
All you holy men of the Order,
Saint Zdislava of Lemberk,
Saint Margaret of Hungary
Saint Agnes of Montepulciano,
Saint Catherine of Ricci
Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Rose of Lima
All you holy women of the Order,
All you holy sisters of the contemplative life
All you holy virgins and religious women,
All you venerable and worthies,
All you our predecessors,
V. Pray for us, all you saints and blesseds of the Dominican Family,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
God our Father, source of all holiness and life,
we beseech you to grant the prayers and supplications
of your family who humbly come before you.
Through the intercession of Virgin Mary, the Mother of God,
Mother and Patroness of our Order,
of blessed Dominic, our Father, and all our saints;
imbue in us the generosity of the spirit to always do Your will,
to prepare our hearts to live the radicality of the Gospel
and steadfastly work for the coming of your kingdom;
Confirm our common vocation as preachers of your Word,
with a life of holiness and self less service to your people;
Set us afire with Your love,
so that we can joyfully share with others
the light of Your truth and the warmth of Your compassion.
Fulfill our desire to live in holiness
and to so enjoy the vision of Your glory forever.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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