Life of Father Juan Crisóstomo, founder of the Province of the Holy Rosary
From: (Juan) Ferrando y (Joaquin) Fonseca: Historia de los PP. Dominicos en las Islas Filipinas y en sus Japon, China, Tungkin y Formosa. (Madrid, 1870), Tomo I, chapter IV, no. 59, pp. 289-290.
59. By this time the venerable Father Juan Crisóstomo, died, the Lord was satisfued with his merits. He had the consolation of seeing in his old age, as another Simeon, to have realized his desires before passing to a better life to see the province already founded and progressed, and for which he had worked for so many years with indefatigable zeal.
This venerable missionary pertained to three provinces: that of Andalucia, where he was a son; that of Mexico in whose missions he spent the most fruitful years of his religious life and that of the Holy Rosary which he had founded. And all of them can glorify themselves with reason for having possessed such an illustrious son. It was sufficient to form a more complete eulogy of his merit whatever was referred to the foundation of the province; and if for certain that he did not have the joy of assisting with his brethren the first apostolic tasks which they had began in the Philippine islands, it is not for this motive that he does not merit the glorious name as its founder.
He was left sick in the capital of the New World in 1587 and suffering with great resignation for this terrible trial of his zeal, though he had not been completely recuperated he took the road for Acapulco and again his desires were frustrated once again.
In 1589, at least his desire was realized, more so in order to be the witness of the copious fruits which this precious plant had produced, than to cooperate in the apostolate of his sons. In the short time he lived in the Province, already with his pains and old age, it was not possible to work among the natives, he dedicated himself with great charity to the assistance given to the sick Chinese, in whose hospital he spent the rest of his working life.
There his soul, ended purified in the furnace of works, because he tolerated a terrible infirmity which seemed that the Lord made him to purify some defects which were inseparable with human condition, and in the end immediately bestowed on him his merited rewards in glory. He died or better yet he left the existence in this valley of tears in the year 1590 and his memory is left always impressed in the hearts of the true sons of the Province of the Most Holy Rosary.
Life of Father Juan de Castro , first prior provincial of the Holy Rosary Province and co founder of the same
From: (Juan) Ferrando y (Joaquin) Fonseca: Historia de los PP. Dominicos en las Islas Filipinas y en sus Japon, China, Tungkin y Formosa. (Madrid, 1870), Tomo I, chapter V, number 70, pp. 303-305 .
Shortly after the celebration of this chapter (1592), the province lost the celebrated Father Juan de Castro, its principal founder, a column and bulwark of regular observance in the province, of which he was justified to have been made worthy of the glorious title of saint. The friars strongly felt his loss as it was natural; it was a sensible blow, since all look up to him as a loving father who with his prudence, doctrine and holiness of life had elevated the foundation into a flourishing state. He was a native of the city of Burgos and son of the habit of the Convent of San Pablo of the same city. Since the beginning of his religious life he gave very special manifestations of who he is, as he was in a singular way dedicated to the study of virtue and the letters and when his convent would offer him a chair to reward him of his time with the honors which the Order would usually prize the merits of her diligent sons, he transferred to the New World to dedicate himself to the work of the conversion of unbelievers.
In Guatemala he worked until his old age , in the apostolic ministry or in the offices which the Order had conferred on him, having exercised the honorable prelacy as provincial for two terms. After having honored his province with so many years of dedicated service, he was sent to the Courts in order to obtain from His Majesty the decision of various affairs for the benefit of the natives and happily concluding his commission, he retired to his old convent of San Pablo of Burgos in order to dispose himself for his last departure.
Such was his office when Fr. Juan Crisóstomo began the project of the foundation of the Province of the Most Holy Rosary and began to convoke some friars for this effect. With this novelty, his zeal was reanimated for the glory of God and for the propagation of the Gospel; and persuaded that he could still be of some use for this projected foundation. He then enlisted with the first friars of the Order who were determined to go to the Philippines. From his convent, he made the trip on foot till Sevilla and he saw for himself that he had to take charge of the presidency and as Vicar General of the rest (of the expedition) who from then on directed themselves to him; he then led them to the desired land, taking the tasks of both Moses and Joshua.
In Manila, he was appointed the first prior provincial, and had the consolation to be present in the progress made by his beloved sons and brothers in the apostolic ministry and desirous in opening the paths so that the faith be brought to the empire in China. He made a trip (to China) with the greatest intrepidity, as we have said to the province of Fujian where he suffered great travails. However when he had received a Royal decree from his Majesty appointing him as the Bishop of Verapaz, he had the modesty of hiding this royal grace from the his brethren and without accepting it, continued in his accustomed religious exercises until his last infirmity. Convinced that his hour had arrived, he retired to the Hospital of San Gabriel in order to die as a poor man among the poor. There his infirmity continued its course, and in the end, as he lay there in the arms and the tearful cries of his brethren, he gave up his blessed soul peacefully in the hands of the Lord.
Hi Mel, This is JJ Rimando from Overmind in the Philippines. We are a company of storytellers and consultants. We are currently working with a client on a museum that will showcase the rich history and heritage of Binondo, one of the oldest chinatowns in the country. In this regard, we would like to request for your permission to use your photo of "Fray Juan Crisostomo" in your blog dated October 20, 2011, for the videos that we are producing in order to better showcase the beauty of Binondo. Rest assured, your photo will be treated with the utmost care and respect. Thank you for your kind support and looking forward to your reply. Thank you.
ReplyDelete*correction, we would like to request for your permission to use the pictures of "Fray Juan Crisostomo and Juan de Castro" for our videos. Again, thank you very much for your support.