This prayer was popularized in the renewed rosary devotion in the XIX century. It is a free translation from a Spanish version used in the novena before the Virgin of the Rosary of La Naval.
O most clement Virgin! O most tender Mother! O sweetest Mary! Consolation or refuge of sinners, Advocate of mortals, Mediator between God and man! O most happy Ark, you succored the world lost in this worst calamity! O brilliant rainbow of peace, who had brought an end to the wars of heaven and earth, you reconciled the delinquent sons of Adam with the Creator whom they had seriously offended! O most candid Dove! Who by carrying the lush olive branch, announced serenity in this sad valle of ours! O most pious intercessor, who seeing the world so dispirited and on ravages of the just indignation of your Jesus so offended, you revealed to your beloved servant Dominic, this privileged son of your predilection, the most opportune of remedies, a firm fortress and sure haven of the most holy Rosary with which the world was reformed, and had placated the anger of the most terrible of judges. Grant us most benign Mother, that through the merits and the efficacy of such an acceptable and helpful devotion, we may know how to disarm the ire of our Lord and God, to restore our his friendship and grace and to return to the tenderness of his fatherly arms, cleansing it with the waters of fervent penance the offenses which had provoked the rigor of his justice, so that reconciled with your most beloved Son, and loved by His heart so sweet, we may be worthy to hear that blessed blessing: Come you who are blessed of my Father and yours, receive the kingdom which is prepared for you since the beginning of time. Now I say, Come, you who are blessed by my Mother and yours, to possess the delights of her most beautiful face and the tenderness of her sweetest bosom in the eternal blessedness. Amen.
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