Friday 30 November 2012

the blessing of the advent wreath and the lighting of candles

When done within the framework of the I Vespers of the First Sunday of Advent.
The presider, in cope accompanied by two acolytes enter the presbytery. The presider begins the Office with the opening prayers of:
PRIEST: O God come to our aid.
All: O Lord make haste to help us. etc.
After the hymn, the presider goes to the place where the advent wreath is placed.
All are asked to take their seats. The presider or the liturgist can address a few words on the meaning of the advent wreath and its meaning for the praying community.
Then he proceeds in the blessing of the wreath/

Presider: Our help is in the name of the Lord.
All: Who made heaven and earth.

(pause for a few moments of silence, then continues…)
Let us pray:
O God, by whose word all things are sanctified, pour forth your blessing upon this wreath, and grant that we your people, who use it may prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ and receive from You abundant graces. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The presider than incenses the wreath and blesses it with holy water.

The presider then says the prayer prepared for the year…
The community then sits down and begins the psalmody of vespers.


Before the singing of the Magnificat, the youngest of the community in profession then comes before the altar and lights the first candle.

Then the brother recites the prayer aloud.
Heavenly Father, as we begin this Advent, give light to our eyes and peace to our hearts. May the Lord find us watching and waiting in joy when He comes. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Afterwards, the community stands to sing the Magnificat. The acolytes give the presider the thurifer and he incenses the main altar while the congregation sings the Gospel canticle.

The vespers end as usual.

The solemn blessing after the Office can be done.

For the other I Vespers. The incensing of the altar during the magnificat is optional.

*For the second Sunday: the second youngest among the brothers will light the second candle.
Father in heaven, set our hearts ablaze to follow in the footsteps of John the Baptist. May we bring light and love to all we meet, that the darkness of sin and fear may be overcome. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

**For the third Sunday ( the candle is the pink one) it is the Eldest among the student brothers.
As we draw near to you, Lord God, keep us aware of your presence in all we do. Come with power to enlighten us by your grace, that we may live in praise and peace all our days. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

**And the fourth Sunday the mayor of the students’ community.
Lord God, you willed to become man in the womb of the Virgin, Come and live among us, strengthen our faith and our commitment to give witness to your love among men so that we may be grateful to the gift of redemption and eternal salvation.  Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Solemn Blessing
V:  May God Almighty, who is rich in mercy, through his Son Jesus Christ, whose coming as man you have believed and whose glorious return you await in the celebration of the mysteries of Advent enlighten you and fill you with His blessings.
R. Amen.
V: May God keep you in this life to be firm in the faith, joyful in hope and diligent in love.
R: Amen.
V. As you are filled with joy for the in the birth of our Redeemer, thus when he comes again in majesty may you receive the prize of eternal life.
R. Amen.
 And may God bless you all, the Father + Son and Holy Spirit.
R.  Amen.


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